Mr Maria celebrates the colourful world of Miffy, originally created by esteemed Dutch illustrator Dick Bruna. Bruna’s distinctive ability to engage a universal audience through powerful storytelling and minimalist design is reflected in the iconic design of this set of lovable characters: Miffy, Boris, Snuffy and Lion.
- Turn on / turn off the light
- Adjust brightness via 6 step dimming
- Nightmode – lowest setting for all night use
± 2700 Kelvin min. 1 — max.
100 Lumen
24 — 100 Burning hours
Mr Maria First Light Lamp
Miffy: 15 X 15 X 30 cm
Boris: 14 X 20 X 21 cm
Lion: 16 X 19 X 25 cm
Snuffy: 19 X 16 X 23 cm
Material: Soft Silicon BPA Free
Power Type: USB Rechargeable Battery
Light Source: Dimmable LED
Weight: 1 kg